We thought there's already too much copy and paste in social networks, so we decided we will only include original content on our blog. We just needed a place to make our stuff available to others. You know, some giving instead of taking.
We'll be publishing astrophotos, articles, discussion topics, tutorials, reviews, papers, mods, bricolages, polls, proposals, stories, invitations or whatever we find useful for the astronomical community, all produced by ourselves or our contributors.
So, if your head is around astronomy as much as ours, and you have something you consider worth sharing, please submit it to to evaluate publishing it on your behalf.
Submissions wil be curated based on straightforward considerations:
- Must be your own. If somebody else's content is to be mentioned, should be via URL if it's on Internet, or quote if it is on hard copy or other media.
- Must be within the boundaries of science.
- Must be relevant to the astronomical spirit of the blog.
- Must be useful or interesting to the amateur astronomy community.
- Must use correct syntax, orthography and spelling. Take your time to check those before submitting it, there are plenty of tools available today.
We admit submissions in english, spanish and italian, so we can review it with some degree of precision.
We added a translator in the blog, though, so you can view all content in your languaje, whichever it is, including your submitted content, if approved for publishing.
Needless to say, we will publish approved content exactly as submitted. However, we reserve the right to format the blog entry how we see fit.